Thursday, April 10, 2008

First Week of April

Greg and Trent had their first official game w/ the Silver Sharks facing the "purple team" The didn't win or lose since they don't keep score at this age but they had a lot of fun and we're pretty much exhausted by the end of the game.

The weather is finally staying about 50 on a regular basis. We take the girls and Trent to the park as much as possible. Here's a video of Maia and her first ride on a swingset in our backyard.

The warm weather also meant breaking out the spring wardrobe cute hats and all. These coordinating jumpers also match their pink and green room =)
(outfits compliment of Uncle Rob & Aunt Deb *Thanks!)

Trent made his first trip to the bank! Here he is at the change counting machine (yes the stack of bills sitting there is all his too!) His coin & currency total was in excess of $130 dollars! He told the bank teller that he's saving for a convertible.

1 comment:

The Cave Family said...

Everyone is getting so big! I can't wait to see all of you!