Friday, December 12, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hallween Pics

Trent's Kindergarten Class Halloween Party
(They turned their teacher into a mummy by wrapping her up w/ toilet paper and then decorated her w/ stickers)
Trent's Kindergarten Parade

Trent, Maia & Mikaela

Friday, August 29, 2008

Maia's & Mikaela's Wishlist

Maia's & Mikaela's...

Friday, August 15, 2008

Trying to play catchup here as it's halfway through August

Morgan and Trent at Hersheypark
Mikaela climbing over Bo (luckily he doesn't care)

Monday, June 23, 2008 far

I know I'm terribly behind with all of this I have some new pics to post and hope to get to all of the journaling to accompany them soon.

Trent's "Last Game of the Season" Mohawk

Our gang

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Thursday, April 10, 2008

First Week of April

Greg and Trent had their first official game w/ the Silver Sharks facing the "purple team" The didn't win or lose since they don't keep score at this age but they had a lot of fun and we're pretty much exhausted by the end of the game.

The weather is finally staying about 50 on a regular basis. We take the girls and Trent to the park as much as possible. Here's a video of Maia and her first ride on a swingset in our backyard.

The warm weather also meant breaking out the spring wardrobe cute hats and all. These coordinating jumpers also match their pink and green room =)
(outfits compliment of Uncle Rob & Aunt Deb *Thanks!)

Trent made his first trip to the bank! Here he is at the change counting machine (yes the stack of bills sitting there is all his too!) His coin & currency total was in excess of $130 dollars! He told the bank teller that he's saving for a convertible.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Trent's first soccer scrimmage

Saturday morning Trent played (and Greg coached) his first soccer scrimmage match. He even scored his first goal! We all had a great time even though it was absolutely freezing and the wind was pretty wicked.